Fetish Webmistress Advert in Skin Two magazine
Issue 62 of SKin Two magazine is due out very soon and I have a full page advert featured. Eye catching, I hope it is.
Issue 62 of SKin Two magazine is due out very soon and I have a full page advert featured. Eye catching, I hope it is.
Very excited to be involved with Suzanziballetheels aka the Saucy Ballerina aka Heely Golightly’s latest project – production and distribution/sales of custom made (made to measure under strict conditions) and affordable (proper) waist training (not off the rack factory made fashionista) corsets!
More about this soon but for now I leave this link from Suzanne’s blog which explains the differences between proper waist training corset and fashion corsets and also the term ‘tight lacing’ : http://suzanziballetheels.com/waist-training-tight-lacing-and-fashion-corsets/
Suzanne disclaims her words but I am happy to be guided by her; I can see clearly how passionate she is and how determined she is to get to the core of her interests happily speaking openly about her discoveries and opening discussion for all, welcoming any input. This benefits all.
In this latest blog post, I proudly present, Dirtydollbaby (aka moi), Cynth Icorn and Larvatus Prodeo’s most recent photo shoot. Inspired by old ye French maids, my Parisian apartment, the art of John Willie and Eric Stanton and of course by my cohorts Cynth and LP. After a quick brainstorm with Cynth via Skype before her visit to Paris the idea was brought to fruition with the help of LP’s tender eye for composition and his quick trigger finger. Whisked through Photoshop for a slight destaturation of colour the addition of a mild vignette and the removal of a few stray items that were missed on the floor and the mirror. Et voila, a unique modern concept with a tip of the hat to the past.