You’ve probably heard that you need adult website SEO but with so much information floating around, it can be confusing to understand what it really does. And if you’re running an adult business, it can be even harder to find help regarding adult website SEO due to the risqué nature of the content on your website. This is where I, your humble Fetish Webmistress, can help… Let’s begin.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.
The idea is that when you optimise your adult website using SEO, Google will favour your site and send you the valuable traffic needed to convert sales or bring in new clients. If you want your adult industry-based or professional dominatrix website listed high in Google’s results, then you will need a Search Engine Optimised site.
The aim is to have your website displayed at the top of the “organic searches” as opposed to “paid search” because, as usual sex workers don’t enjoy the privileges of mainstream business and as such paid listings in search engines like Google, are simply not an option. So primarily, SEO is all about trying to get your adult website, pro-domme or sex worker website on page 1 of the “organic search” results without having to pay for it.
One of the first things to understand is the role of the search engine, and why they are so important to your professional dominatrix or adult industry business. I may be teaching grandma to suck eggs but just for clarity’s sake, a search engine is a massive website directory that indexes millions of pages from websites across the internet. They send out ‘spiders’ to crawl websites so they can offer the best results to the human that are using their search functions.
In short, a search engine is a website you can search for things on. It will give you the answers to all of the questions. It’s important for you and your sex worker business to be the top answer to your clients’ questions! If you are wondering, “How can I do this, Miss May?” Read on…
How You Can Improve Your Adult Website SEO
This is all great information but how do you actually go about improving the SEO on your mistress or adult website and get yourself in the top-ranking spots? There are a number of factors that need to be taken into account, plus a few little industry secrets that can help boost your adult business today!
On-Page SEO
There are two primary components of search engine optimisation that will impact where your website will appear in the SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages). The first is called On-Page SEO.
The job of On-Page SEO is to make sure your web pages tell the search engine spiders what your website is about. When a search engine crawls your website, your On-Page SEO will indicate to them what the subject of the website is about. We want Google to know that your website offers the best answer to its users’ questions and that it can feel 100% secure on suggesting that your website has the best answer.
Keywords are essential for On-Page SEO. The search engine crawler or spider will be looking for keywords on your web pages to see if these match the search query. They will look at the titles on your page, the description, alt-text on the photos etc. So when deciding what keywords to include on your professional dominatrix or adult industry website SEO, think about the language potential clients may use to search for you.
On-Page SEO will include:
Keywords in the URL
Keywords in the Page Title
Keywords in the Page Description
Keywords in the page’s content headings
Keywords in the image alt-text
and you guessed it, keywords in the body of the content
I know that sounds like a hell of a lot of repetition but you do actually need to be careful not to “spam” the keywords; you should make sure they appear naturally throughout the page content. If you use WordPress, then a plugin like Yoast for SEO or RankMath will help you make good judgement in this respect.
To complement On-Page SEO, you need a certain amount of Off-Page SEO factors to appear in search results. This is the other important factor to consider when optimising your website.
Every website needs some links pointing to it from other websites. These are known as back links. Most adult industry sites will include a page of links or professional contacts towards the end of their navigation menu. If possible, those links need to include the keywords you are trying to rank for. That’s why it is vital to list yourself on Mistress Directories and link to other credible adult industry or professional dominatrix sites.
Google uses a Page Rank algorithm to put value on your page. The more links you have from credible and compatible websites, the higher your page rank is likely to be. Google will also index your website more quickly if it can see these other authoritative websites are also linking you, offering you some sex worker ‘street-cred’.
Where do I start with my own adult website SEO?
A lot to take in, right? And if you are wondering why you might have been on page 1 for a while and then began to fall away from the top rankings, well, SEO is a constant process, and your site’s SEO needs to be maintained to ensure the search engines know you are still relevant.
If your site is already well optimised and you’re looking for a way to maintain your rankings, posting blogs is a great way to keep the keywords on your site fresh. Blogs posts don’t need to be super long or overthought; there are plenty of ways to encourage the search engines to rank you highly while keeping your clients and professional contacts interested. Need some blogging ideas? Read my post “Blogging Ideas for the Femdom Community”
If your site is brand new and you are starting from scratch with the optimisation, work through each point above as they will be a great step towards helping you get the best results. Of course, if you’re struggling or if you’d rather focus on your primary job and leave the tech up to the pros, you can contact me for a free, no-obligation quote.
Let me take the headache out of your adult website SEO
I’ve been working on SEO strategies for a broad range of adult industry companies and sex workers since the beginning of Google. Here I share the first 3 SEO steps I take when starting to work with a new SEO client.
1. Consider the big picture
While getting listed on page 1 of Google for your most obvious keywords may be your ultimate goal, the truth is that if the keywords are particularly competitive it may not happen within 12 months. Often it can take longer.
The riches are in the niches.
So if it’s going to take that long for your website to climb up Google ranking results, meantime, how else can we quickly gain traffic from Google? The answer is by creating search engine optimised content for other keywords.
I ask my clients to think about their specific niches and specialities, and what types of sessions they would really love to be getting booked for. We also consider how their ideal client will be searching for those services. Those niches become your keywords and voila we have the basis for a brand new page or blog post for your website.
When a client finds your website while searching for their specific niche (that you just happen to adore as well) and then books a session, it’s a match made in heaven, right?
Example: If your favourite activity is chastity training but all you do is simply mention that on a list of activities, the keyword will get lost amongst the noise. I want you to create a full-page dedication to this service. Place yourself as the authority on the subject. If it is a highly competitive subject 300 words really are not enough – I recommend at least 1000. Use the keywords in the page title, repeat the keyword and its synonyms throughout the text. Make sure you include at least one photo and add alt-text to the photo.
You sell what you show.
Google will not only love your new page but your potential client will consider you an expert and who doesn’t want to leave their prized possession in the hands of an expert?
2. Local SEO.
Always include your location when you are writing about something that would involve a real-time meeting.
Further to my example above – if you are only interested in real-time meets for chastity training, you will benefit from adding your location to the page dedicated to chastity. Your page title could be something like Chastity Training Mistress in <your location>. Include variations of that phrase throughout your page text. Your location is not only important to Google but it improves your website visitor’s experience too.
3. Backlinks.
Recently a client was confused because her colleague’s website was listed on page 1 for a specific set of keywords to which she herself had been devoting all her SEO efforts – even though her colleague claimed that she didn’t even know wtf SEO was! I did some research i.e internet stalked on said colleague and discovered they’d gained plenty of mainstream publicity which to Google, is the equivalent of a gold medal. So Google takes into account the value of your global branding too. The more your website and brand has infiltrated the WWW, the more reputable Google will trust that you are the most worthwhile source to offer its users in the search results. Where, as Sex Workers, can we find these “backlinks”?
You might think mistress directories are a waste of money and time, however, Google considers your listings on these websites as votes for your websites! I recommend you regularly seek out new backlinks to your websites, whether it is the latest Mistress directory, an alternative edgy magazine or mainstream press – if you want that kind of publicity in your life.
So, what should you do next?
Write a blog post or new page on your favourite kink. If you wish to gain local visitors, include your location.
Tweet your new pages! Not just once, repeating tweets of your website content is OK.
Get listed on local & national Mistress Directories
Collaborate online with other sites and even other SWers to improve your global branding
Here are some older posts relevant to this topic that might help you write your new post/page:
I am sorry to say it, but Google really is a judgmental bitch. You want your website listed on page 1 of Google but what makes you think, that what you have to say, makes you important enough to even rate?
You may not know this, but Google will only rank you in its top results if it deems you popular enough by its algorithm. And how do you convince the algorithm that you are popular enough? By making sure that EVERYONE is talking about you. So part of ranking way up there in Google’s results is based on how popular you AND your website are, throughout the online community.
You might have the most beautiful website; it’s well constructed with easy navigation and plenty of juicy content, but if no one else is talking about you, either mentioning you in some capacity, or linking to your website content to help spread that information to the rest of the WWW, then Google might not quite believe you are as good as you actually are.
Google is judging you.
Your personal global brand is as important as your website
Why is the girl with half your followers, who posts much less than you on Twitter and who hardly pays any attention to her website ranking higher than you?
There is a good chance that she might just be doing the work in other arenas.
Do you know how many other websites she contributes to? Perhaps she writes a column for a well known online magazine, or perhaps she’s hit the headlines for some publicity stunt that went viral…. Maybe she’s low key on the socials but has actually been around for eons hosting events, or leading workshops in a bricks and mortars store that sits on the edge of the mainstream…
The other important thing with this girl is that she makes sure her personal branding is consistent and regulated in every single place.
Example: I am referred to as Miss May in some places but I am also Fetish Webmistress in others. I have therefore diluted my brand. If I could go back I would either consistently use the Fetish Webmistress brand or the Miss May brand. I have also over the years released many images without insisting that I am credited by either of those names.
This is a major loss on behalf of my own global personal brand.
So here is the truth that I have discovered through personal observation and which is also in fact backed up by other SEO experts: unless Google deems YOU and your website an authority on your chosen topic, then you may not ever rank page 1 for the precious key phrases you covet.
My advice to you introverts and extroverts alike : get out there and get well known. Whether that is by attending industry networking events, by collaborating with other movers and shakers, filming with well known fetish producers, by creating crazy publicity stunts – or legit publicity acts – that will get your name in front of the public and in turn get them talking about you online….
By the way, even just a mention of your brand is a bird in the hand but a hard link back to your website will not only get you direct traffic but will also give you BONUS ranking points.
Which brings me to —> BACKLINKS!
So, aside from “going viral” and flexing our personal brand, how else can we make Google happy?
Backlinks, baby!
Wtf is a backlink?
Basically any other web source that links directly to your website is a backlink. Only super legit websites or resources relevant to your industry count, and so using a dodgy SEO company that promises you 100s of backlinks is not going to help you in the long run.
Which is why online mistress directories are still super relevant even if a lot of Dommes don’t bother anymore. I’m not just saying this because I actually co-own Mistress Directory London one of the UK’s best online dominatrix directories. I am saying this because they truly are excellent legitimate resources and the perfect first port of call when searching for backlinks to your website. Just ask Google if you need help finding them. Tip: Type in your profession plus your location eg professional dominatrix London
You can start working on this right now! Get those links back to your website, because each one is a vote for you in this so called popularity contest.
Prove your worth and Google will reward you.
So in conclusion, yes, Google is your Daddy. Make him happy by doing the work, improve your authority and online presence, and you will get your just rewards. Probably not a new dolly or good hard smack but most certainly a much higher ranking in the search results.
I look forward to hearing some of your success stories! And if you don’t want to do the hard work, contact me and we can chat to see which areas of your SEO I might be able to help out with. I have some of my services listed on my SEO Services page
Strictly Miss Brown wants YOU to pay attention to your SEO
Who is your ideal client?
Ask Yourself:
Who are your ideal clients? Consider demographic factors.
What are you both interested in? Where do your own interests align with your target clients?
Professionally, what are your specialities, niches and the services you enjoy indulging in, above all others.
Get inside their head
What words would your ideal clients use to search Google when they are looking for your specific services? Approach it from their perspective and employ their vocabulary. e.g an older gent might not search for a “hot young domme in latex” but may be a little more mature in their language. Don’t be shy to ask your clients where and how they find you.
Google and Key phrases
Considering the above exercise, create a list of related words. Narrow it down to your top 5. These are your focus key phrases. Go to Google and type them in along with your noun of choice e.g dominatrix, escort etc. Now define the results further by using your location or target destinations with the keywords too.
Whose websites* are showing up and how? Have a look at their websites and see how they are employing their key phrases, and where they are using them.
*Take note of which directories are being listed for a future SEO tips post
What about in the image results? You can add your key phrase / noun / location to your image’s alt-text to further optimise your results.
Your website
Is it immediately apparent to your website visitors (and Google) what you specialise in and what your favourite niches are i.e the sessions for which you would most like to be booked ? Do you emphasise the words or ‘keywords and phrases’ that you came up with throughout the page text and within your blog posts?
Is your location clear to both Google and your website visitors? Make your location obvious, you’ll be doing yourself and site visitors a huge favour.
It’s so important to write your website content in a way that makes it easy for Google to easily navigate and understand. By including the same key phrases that your potential clients are using to search for you, throughout your website, you become more findable.
When your website’s text matches what people are searching for, Google will rank your site higher because your content is the most relevant.
Using the key phrases / noun / location you defined, change the following for each page of your website: Page title, meta descriptions and URLs or “permalink” . Each page should be unique. The key phrase should also appear a number of times throughout the body text of your pages and posts.
What’s the Page Title?
The Page Title appears in blue. When I optimised Mistress Wildfire‘s homepage, I opted to focus on her chosen noun and location, plus her professional name to lay emphasis on her branding.
For Mistress Wildfire’s other services we used her focus key phrases on the specific pages devoted to those niches.
How to change your Page Title?
The answer to this depends on the content management system you are using, and the plugin you are using. Ask me in the comments below if you don’t how to do this yourself.
By the way! I highly recommend at least 500 – 800 words on every page of your website. But that is for another blog post….
Key phrases, Page Titles etc are the first steps, of many steps, that you can take in optimising your website so you receive more quality traffic from Google.
All websites across the www are, in general, seeking to grow and engage their online audience. The Femdom community is no exception.
Blogging is a great strategy to boost your SEO especially if Google is dismissing your website as sedentary. Not only does it excite the ‘spiders’ but the new blog post will become part of your indexable content. Creating content with authoritative, keyword-rich text is how you will stand out from your competition and position yourself as an authority on your speciality niches.
Blogging is also a great way to engage and build a relationship between yourself and potential clients; sharing your knowledge and experience should help instil in them the confidence needed to reach out and contact you.
How to blog and what to blog about, is a common conversation between me and my Femdom SEO clients, especially when writing is not their natural calling. Here is a blogging method that can easily be applied to the Femdom, Fetish and BDSM niche. Let’s explore the concept further…
What are some topics that would fall under this title:
A History of BDSM – so vast and varied!
Photos from your first Femdom photoshoot – show us a now and then, how have you evolved?
Your own history in the BDSM and Fetish scene, what brought you to the BDSM and Femdom world?
Who were the movers and shakers when you were introduced to professional domination
How has ProDomming changed in the last 20/30/40 years?
How has the internet made a difference in professional domination?
Remember when there was a busy fetish nightlife in London? Documenting those clubs and venues, the outfits you wore and the friends you made will serve as valuable insight for future generations.
Recent experiences of session stories
What’s new in your Playspace?
Recent photoshoots
Upcoming travels
Upcoming events
Testimonials. Ask your clients to create reviews that you can share is possibly the easiest way to create original content. (you could dedicate a blog category for Testimonials only and link to them from your navigation – WordPress users only)
Feature someone or something else in your posts.
Talk about other people – who do you admire or who inspires you, what do you like about their work? Could be another ProDomme, or an actress, celebrities, designers, authors, musicians – not necessarily in a BDSM context but better if they are! It’s surprising how often BDSM makes an appearance in mainstream culture.
Or, perhaps a review of your favourite piece of equipment, with a little promo for the company who made it.
Something personal: erotic writing, poetry, art you’ve created.
A dream or fantasy you wish to fulfil.
Past regrets, future hopes.
More importantly, and I touched on this earlier, blog posts are your chance to wax lyrical on all of your favourite types of play and interests, so if you have already posted a list of the types of scenes that you do indulge in, then you already have a very good list of blog posts! It’s a perfect opportunity to flex your muscle in your chosen speciality.
Set yourself a 12 – week challenge to write 1 new post per week. Rotate through the ideas above and of course add your own – express your ideas and opinions, throw in some self-promotion and insight to who you are both as a professional and as a person. ALWAYS include photos and always remember to tweet your new post ( and don’t be scared to retweet yourself in case people have missed the tweet the first time around)